Whale Watching on Vancouver Island
Whale Watching on Vancouver Island
Whale Watching on Vancouver Island
Whale Watching on Vancouver Island
Whale Watching on Vancouver Island

Best Whale Watching on Vancouver Island

Do you have a travel bucket list? If you do, look at it. If there are any options regarding whale watching, where better than Vancouver Island can you find to make your wish true? Oceans are endless on Earth. As known as the biggest environment, oceans are home to the biggest fish and mammals on Earth. Whale watching on Vancouver Island is one of the must-to-do things for everyone coming here. Nothing is more delightful than watching one throwing its many-pounds body out of the water and then plunging back in for a marine life lover. If you’re lucky enough, it will splash, and the joy of your whale watching would be multiplied. Vancouver Island Coastline waters are home to four different whales and occasionally some rare ones. Annually, thousands of visitors come here to what these majestic marine creatures. No matter where on Vancouver Island you landed, you can find the chance to go whale watching and make the most of your vacation here. The island’s waters are where Orcas (Killer whales), Gray, Humpback, and Minke whales live. Some people have sighted blue whales, the most giant whales on Earth, nearly being hunted to extinction near Vancouver Island coasts. Whale watching tours are not exclusively designed to view only whales. In other words, tour guides cannot control which creature to show up on the surface. If you’re lucky other marine creatures such as dolphins and porpoises. Whale watching on Vancouver Island will be an unforgettable experience you would talk about all day long. In order to make it even better, this article will inform you about necessary details you need to know regarding your whale watching cruise to see the biggest fish in the ocean. Stay with us!

Whale Watching: A Must  to Do on Vancouver Island

Whales are the island's guards, living in separate pods (i.e., the groups they live in) all around the coast of Vancouver Island. The two main whale watching capitals are Victoria BC and Telegraph Cove. They both offer you the best whale watching on Vancouver Island. Other than them, you may ask where is the best whale watching near me. Well hit the road and find coast; there you have the opportunity to see the Vancouver Island whales breaching. Watching these majestic animals breaching into the air is one of the wonders of the sea nobody should miss for the world. They are known to be sociable animals, and they enjoy the sense when they amuse human beings. In contrast to their enormous size, they are kind and, in some cases, beautiful marine creatures. Regarding their size, we can claim that they are the kings of the ocean. Now imagine a chance of a lifetime to watch the kings of the ocean splashing in the water.
Being onboard one of Southern California's premier whale watching boats might help you tap into that connection. The recipient will feel grounded as a result of the calm, tranquility, and time away from their busy day, allowing them to unplug from the demands of life and become more focused and aligned within themselves.

Species / Whale Watching
Sea Lion Watching on Vancouver Island

Sea Lion Watching on Vancouver Island

Sea lions gather in sizable colonies on the islands' rocky and sandy coasts. Stay with us to learn more about these species on Vancouver Island.

Seal Watching on Vancouver Island

Seal Watching on Vancouver Island

It shouldn't take long to locate the harbour seal, Canada's Pacific coast's most common marine animal. Stay with us to gain more insight.

Porpoise Watching on Vancouver Island

Porpoise Watching on Vancouver Island

Many people think that porpoises are a type of dolphin. It's wrong. They are a completely different family of cetaceans inhabiting the waters of Vancouver Island. Also, they aren't "baby orcas". Stay with us to tell you more.

Humpback Whale Watching on Vancouver Island

Humpback Whale Watching on Vancouver Island

Remember the nostalgic Hunchback of Notre Dame? Well, the waters of Vancouver Island is not deprived of such creature. Humpback whales are another migratory marine species that count Vancouver Island shore as one of their favorites.

Gray Whale Watching on Vancouver Island

Gray Whale Watching on Vancouver Island

Looking for an opportunity for spotting the longest-route migrating mammals on earth? Vancouver Island is the land in which this opportunity grows on the tree. Stay with us to tell you more about this wonderful journey.

Orca Whale Watching on Vancouver Island

Orca Whale Watching on Vancouver Island

Whale watching on Vancouver island is full of wonders to explore! Come here to be a witness to the breaching of the most giant dolphin, Orca, in the world. They are the assassins of the marine mammals; even whales themselves.

Whales Around Vancouver Island

As mentioned earlier, there are four subspecies of whales inhabiting the waters of Vancouver Island Coastline. Each of them is exclusive in their own way which we will elaborate on them in separate articles.

A prehistoric and unique whale watching experience if you have the chance to gaze upon the great gray whales of Vancouver Island waters. Since they are migrating in between seas, if you’re certain that the next vacation you will go on must include whale watching, particularly gray whale watching, try to pick a time in which you are confident that they will be around. These gray giants are very sociable and easy to contact. they just need a blink to make your whale watching unforgettable. so pack you bags and wait for the right time; the gray beasts of the ocean are waiting for you.

Orcas or killer whales have the dominant population amongst all. They always stay with the same pod. Pick the best time for Orca watching on Vancouver Island waters to not come back empty-handed from your journey. The funny less-known thing about orcas is that many people believe that they are whales, while they were born from massive dolphins. Nowadays, due to their sizeable gigantic size, they are classified as whales every year, attracting many people, whether local or not, to come to Vancouver Island for its amazing orca watching tours.

Humpback whales are a kind of baleen whales floating around the Island. They are the beauties of Vancouver Island Whales. In Latin, they are called Megaptera novaeangliae, which means "big wing of New England." Humpback whale watching tours have many applicants every year because of their unique appearance. Not to mention that, when you go humpback whale watching, you would have the chance to glimpse on the largest whale subspecies in Vancouver Island waters. How much fun would you have if this large marine mammal would breach?

Minke Whale

Although there aren’t many minke whales around Vancouver Island, and they are acknowledged as rare  species, you may have the chance to view them splashing the water. As the same as Humpback whales, minkes are one of the baleen giants of the sea and the smallest of the rorquals. Not to mention that they are the second smallest baleen whales too. Minkes are one of the widespread subspecies globally; however, they happen to be elusive around the Vancouver Island coastline. You will be the lucky Lock if you spot a minke whale!

7 Tips for the Best Whale Watching Experience

1. Pick the right whale watching season to make the most of it. 2. Bring the right gear for your whale-watching trip to make it more convenient. 3. Talk to the crew to help you spend this whale watching experience knowledgeable. 4. Keep your cameras close; nothing more than a whale breaching photoshoot can represent the experience you had on board with us. 5. However, don't get too obsessed with the cameras and enjoy the scenes at the moment while you are on a whale watching boat. 6. Patience, patience, patience! they are shy and need time to come out of the water. 7. Last but not least, share the moments you capture while breaching whales were surrounding your boat.

Where Is the Best Location for Whale Watching on Vancouver Island?

Vancouver Island is one of the densest locations for whale watching in North America, attracting many tourists to view these majestic marine creatures. As mentioned earlier, two whale watching capitals of Vancouver Island are Victoria BC and Telegraph Cove. 

Besides these two popular whale watching destinations, Tofino and Ucluelet also offer the best whale watching tours in the waters of Clayoquot Sound and Barkley Sound. Let's not forget the great whale watching opportunity you would find in the beautiful City of Campbell River. Last but not least, whale watching in Victoria will be an unforgettable experience of Vancouver Island whale watching.
In general, you have the chance for whale watching wherever you are, on the coastal parts of Vancouver Island. Whale watching is mainly done through ocean cruises, but in some cases that they are near the coast, you can enjoy watching them while chilling on the beach and waiting for your coffee to cool down.

7 Top Whale-watching Destinations on Vancouver Island

Without a doubt, Tofino is one of the whale watching hotspots on Vancouver Island.

You cannot ask whale watching near me in Victoria, since, you are in the mecca of it.

Another whale watching destination in Pacific Rim Is Ucluelet with numerous Opportunities to seize.

One of the best places to go whale watching on Northern Vancouver Island is Telegraph cove.

Spending a great time on Vancouver Island North? Add Port McNeil whale watching!

Couldn't book a tour in Victoria? Try Port Renfrew Whale Watching. You won't regret it! 

One of the hidden gems on Vancouver Island with unavoidable whale watching opportunities.

When Is the Best Time to Go Whale Watching on Vancouver Island?

The best time of the year for whale watching tours depends on the subspecies you desire to view during your stay on Vancouver Island. Since some of them migrate at the beginning of spring and fall, the best time for watching whales differ. For instance, gray whales migrate every spring and fall; therefore, the whale watchin season on Vancouver Island is during April and November, when there is a chance these marine mammals pass Vancouver Island. As another example, blue whale watching is possible. They were almost extinct due to overhunting. Around spring, the chance to see these giants of the ocean around the west coast of Vancouver Island is high. So it can be claimed that spring is the whale season on the Island. What a dream! Imagine going on a whale watching tour and observe the biggest mammal ever existed on earth. Overall, whale watching peak time highly depends on the subspecies you have in mind. If it doesn’t matter, whale watching events are year-round events. Come to the Island and say the words, close your eyes, and count to three. There you are on board, waiting for your whale watching trip to start.

What Gear You Need for Whale Watching?

Going on a whale watching tour is not that complicated, to say special equipment is required. However, you can make your journey more comfortable and pleasant. The equipment you may need during your whale watching journey are as follows: • Hat • Sunglasses • Sunscreen • Binoculars • Camera and extra batteries if your camera go off or the journey is going to take a while. • If possible, water bottle, do not bring glass bottles, and if you bring a plastic bottle, please do not throw it in the water. • Snacks and/or lunch or dinner. You may also ask our company to provide your meals during your whale watching adventure. • Suitable shoes and clothing according to the season you choose to come whale watching. • Antiemetics It is worthy of mentioning that if you are looking to have a healthy whale watching journey, please keep your cellphones away (you can use them for photographing), and do not bring any cigarettes and alcoholic beverages. May you have the best whale watching experience ever.

Whale Watching Prices on Vancouver Island

Whale watching on Vancouver Island is one of the must-to-do things when you come here. Whales are known as the island’s guards since they live in the waters of each coordination of the island. If no particular subspecies is intended, whale watching is a year-round activity on Vancouver Island. Our prices for whale watching tours here on the pristine Vancouver Island for adults start from $145 and $85 for children. The good news is that we have an offer for students with valid IDs. They can have a blast watching whales for only $125.

Are You Ready for Some Breaching?

Book a whale watching tour in advance and fulfill you desires in this regard with Vanisle Wildlife.

10 Interesting Facts about Whales

1. Whales are the largest creatures ever inhabiting the earth, and blue whales are the largest whales ever, even larger than the dinosaurs. 2. Whales' migrations are the longest amongst all other migrating animals. Gray Whale, among other whales, migrates the longest route. 3. Whale can help reduce climate change just by pooping! According to Canadian Wildlife, Whales mix nutrients in the ocean when they swim great distances across it, diving deep and then surfacing, and their feces act as a fertilizer for phytoplankton. 4. Whales are very sociable, and they communicate with each other majorly through sounds. Humpback whales are known as singer whales which sometimes communicate through singing. 5. Whales have more than one stomach. In other words, whales are multi-stomached. 6. In addition to the multi-stomached structure, whales do not chew their food as well. For example, those who feed on planktons of the nutrition on the bottom of the ocean. 7. Interestingly enough, whales can inhale and store oxygen in their bodies. 8. When you go on a whale watching tour, and you see whales breaching in a pretty far distance, you think that's simple. However, if you consider it deeply, you would find out that whales pull out a heavy body (about 60,000 lbs.) 9. Despite their enormous bodies and multiple stomachs, Whales prey on the smallest creatures in the ocean like planktons. Expect Orcas (killer whales); they feed on fish and other mammals. 10. Killer whales are, in fact, very large dolphins which nowadays are categorized as whales due to their size.

The Best Whale Watching Tour Guide on Vancouver Island

If we want to start talking about the benefits of choosing a tour guide for your whale watching adventure, we will be sitting here all day. First of all, whale watching tours are almost done on the board of a boat, let’s say about 90% of the time. Thus, you would definitely need somebody with a boat to take you to the middle of the ocean to watch the giants of the sea. Provided that you have a boat, you still need an experienced person to lead your boat and tell you when is the best time for whale watching. It is worthy of telling you that if you are a boat owner, you may not know how far can you advance, and you may disturb the whales.

In addition to all mentioned above, whale watching tour guides had guided so many visitors before you and gained ample experience to know where is the best stop to spot at least one whale during the whole tour, and when is the best time to go onboard riding the tides of the ocean to see one king breaching out of the sea. Last but not least, if you ask a whale watching tour guide, you can spend the rest of your wildlife & whale watching on Vancouver Island stress-free and at peace.


Our whale watching tours guarantee you to see at least one whale during your time on the water. If not, your whale watching trip would last till you see one of them breaching, and the extra time is free from charge. Remember, record your whale sightings today, to talk about it tomorrow!

Wildlife Watching Hotspots on Vancouver Island

Pacific Rim National Park Reserve Wildlife Watching

Pacific Rim National Park Reserve Wildlife Watching

Esquimalt Lagoon Migratory Bird Sanctuary Wildlife Watching

Esquimalt Lagoon Migratory Bird Sanctuary Wildlife Watching

Piper's Lagoon Park Wildlife Watching

Piper's Lagoon Park Wildlife Watching

Goldstream Provincial Park Wildlife Watching

Goldstream Provincial Park Wildlife Watching

Beacon Hill Park Wildlife Watching

Beacon Hill Park Wildlife Watching

Swan Lake Christmas Hill Nature Sanctuary Wildlife Watching

Swan Lake Christmas Hill Nature Sanctuary Wildlife Watching

West Coast Trail Wildlife Watching

West Coast Trail Wildlife Watching

North Island Wildlife Recovery Centre Wildlife Watching

North Island Wildlife Recovery Centre Wildlife Watching

Hot Spring Cove Wildlife Watching

Hot Spring Cove Wildlife Watching

Juan de Fuca Marine Trail Wildlife Watching

Juan de Fuca Marine Trail Wildlife Watching

Wild Pacific Trail Wildlife Watching

Wild Pacific Trail Wildlife Watching

Whale Watching FAQs

Best places to go whale watching on Vancouver Island is the northern coast of Vancouver Island, especially Telegraph Cove. But if you happen to arrive at the northern parts of the Island, Victoria BCoffers great whale watching tours.

Any Questions about Whale Watching are Welcomed

March 29, 2022, 06:05

Is whale watching worth it on vancouver island?

Admin in reply Susan
April 3, 2022, 07:45

Totally worth t. Whale watching on Vancouver Island is one of the must-to-do activities.